Thursday, August 31, 2017


We ended up remaining dry for the entire storm, there was some concern Saturday night when the water in the street jumped the curb on our property. Thankfully the rain paused for a little while which allowed the street to drain out. That happened a few more times, but never got close.

There is significant flooding due to the Buffalo Bayou overflow on streets just a few blocks away.

Yesterday, we watched as the rescues in this area.
Air Boat on the way to the forward staging area for the next development
 Coast Guardsmen setting up for rescues in the next development
 This is the intersection that the Guardsmen were staging at.
Looking towards the interesection
HPD SWAT vehicle leading another line of rescue boats to another staging area

The airplane and helicopters stayed over our house for most of the day surveying the damage and orchestrating the rescues.
This sunset is from Tuesday night, first time the sun had shown since last Wed.
Driving rain on Monday night, just seemed it would not stop.

These last two are from Monday, when our street started to flood again for the third time since Saturday night.
This is the same intersection as picture #3, taken this morning at 9AM. Still water in it and appeared to have spread out.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


Harvey made landfall near Corpus Christi, it certainly has been interesting to go through the lead up to a Hurricane.

While the eye of the storm is roughly two hundred miles to the southwest the outer reaches of the storm have hit here at home.

I started to write this on Friday night, but was too tired to finish.

Today is Sunday and it's been a rollercoaster ride, flash floods, tornado warnings and at one point yesterday I saw the sun.
 Picture #1 Looking down my street towards our house at 7 AM this morning
 Pic # 2 Looking towards the intersection; I should note that at 9 PM last night the street was flooded all the way up and past the curbs entire street.
Walmart Water Aisle Friday night

Friday, August 25, 2017


Bunch of co-workers taking an Astros game, before the storm hits.

Likely to be off work for a couple of days.