Wednesday, April 30, 2008


After being at the "Making Cents" session and then being at the Law Enforcement Initiative forum, the impression could be made that Ed FitzGerald is turning into a Fiscal Conservative and a Law and Order Republican, fortunately for the Democrats that may be a bit of a stretch.

Let's face facts, Council and the Mayor have had to act to rein in spending as well as get a handle on the crime situation before it truly affects the housing market and the citizens.

Judging by this chart, its amazing we don't lose track of money coming in more often.

Also, of interest in a quick side conversation with Jennifer Pae, the City Finance Director after the meeting. I asked her if moving from RITA (Regional Income Taxing Authority) to the City's own tax department has brought in more money into the coffers. She responded that it did bring in more dollars about 3% more for FY2006. To early to tell for FY 2007.

Speaking of the Law Enforcement Initiative, it looks like there will be some public/private partnership between the City and the Taverns in the West End, at the meeting it was announced that 9 tavern owners will share in the cost of added patrols in the neighborhoods around the bars in the west end.
Hopefully, this will begin to allay the fears and anger that the residents in the area have been having the last few years.

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