Friday, October 26, 2007

LOWV Forum

Went to the League of Women Voters Forum last night at City Hall, as usual its well done and somewhat fast paced.

First up was the Ward races: Everybody was there, Butler and Madigan the incumbents and the open race for Ward 2 and 3.

Then it was the Mayoral Candidates

Finally it was the School Board Race; This provided the most interesting soap opera, Dawn Defreeze state that she was recruited to run for the School board, but since has received a letter indicating that she should withdraw from the race due to her "Evangelical position". Therefore she would not answer any questions.

Now I am putting the quotation marks in due to the fact I do not know if she is referring her position as maybe a minister or perhaps she had a staunch position to education based on faith based reasoning.

More on this later.

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