Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Michael Yon Meets CSM James Pippin

On several occasions I have linked to Michael Yon to give you a first hand look at what is going in the war. Once again here is another look through the words of Command Sergeant Major James Pippin.

I hear the concern about America’s sons and daughters being killed and I know the media drum rolls the daily death toll. There have been more than 3,000 service members who have died fighting this war. And every one of those deaths is a tragedy. I, myself have lost a close friend. Contrary to the media reports, this war should be gauged by what is at stake if we lose. I believe the stakes of this war are even higher than those we faced together in both World Wars combined. In the words of Darryl Worley, “I say there are some things worth fighting for. Our freedom and the piece of ground we call The United States of America.” Don’t think for a second that terrorists will stop attacking Americans and our way of life just because we pull out of Iraq.

Go read the entire thing.

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