Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Level the Playing Field

Received this email from another Democrat who wants to use other people money to bring about change:

From: Sen. Ron Wyden, DSCC
Subject: Level the Playing Field


Electing a Democratic Senate in November is the best way to stop George Bush's destructive agenda as soon as possible. It's so important to me as a Vice-Chairman of the DSCC that I will personally match - dollar-for-dollar and with my own campaign funds - the next $150,000 contributed to the DSCC's $500,000 end-of-quarter fundraising goal.

We need to meet that goal so that our candidates can compete with the Republicans on a level playing field in every key state. In every state where Democrats are taking on a Republican incumbent senator, our opponents have a significant advantage in their campaign war chests. Some of these incumbents are already using those extra resources to saturate the airwaves and frame the debate.

The DSCC's job is to give Democratic Senate candidates the resources they need to fight back. When you make a contribution right now, I'll stretch your dollar even further in our campaign to elect a Democratic Senate.

We must take back the Senate as soon as possible to undo the damage caused by five years total Republican control in Washington. Only a Democratic Senate will put our safety first and refuse to sell our national security to the highest bidder. Only a Democratic Senate will take real action to rein in skyrocketing health care costs and make sure every American gets the care he or she needs. Only a Democratic Senate will make a credible commitment to energy independence. Only a Democratic Senate will restore the duty of Congressional oversight. Only a Democratic Senate will be committed to fixing George Bush's mistakes.

We can ensure that those who make bad decisions that cost American lives, those who award bad contracts to enrich their friends and those who willfully violate the Constitution are held accountable for their deeds. If we are to earn the majority by electing a Democratic Senate in November we have to get started as soon as possible. Our mission is so important that I am willing to personally match the next $150,000 contributed towards the DSCC's $500,000 end-of-quarter fundraising goal, but to succeed, I need your help. Don't wait another minute. Please make a contribution today.

The DSCC will put your donation to work immediately in its campaign to stop George Bush's extreme agenda.

Remember, the DSCC plays a unique role in Senate elections across the country. The DSCC is the only organization that watches every race every day and makes sure our Democratic Senate candidates have the resources they need to succeed.

When you make a contribution today, I'll match it dollar-for-dollar, effectively doubling your gift. There's never been a better time to take action for a Democratic Senate. I'm counting on you.


Ron Wyden

Go ahead Senator Wyden, be a good Democrat and use other people's money to advance your cause. You and the rest of your Democratic pals have been doing that for years.

These emails are so nauseating that I just can't turn away, I have to know what bone headed idea they will come up with next.

Please Senator, let me know if you have made your goal!

Monday, March 20, 2006


Received this email last week - If you know me, you will understand why I won't reply in the positive.

Dear Timothy,

You and I know that America needs to change direction - and the American people know it too.
Our nation has faced serious challenges before. Every single time, we rolled up our sleeves, got to work, and overcame the obstacles before us.

Not this time. Because of incompetence, ideology or influence - and sometimes all three - George Bush and his Republican allies won't do anything to effectively reduce health care costs or to make energy more affordable. They won't make the investments in education we need to prepare the next generation. After ignoring the warning signs of Hurricane Katrina, they have all but ignored the plight of the people of New Orleans. And as we have just seen in the debate about port security, they have failed to do everything in their power to keep America safe.
With the Bush administration refusing to address the serious challenges facing our nation today, it's up to Democrats to act. Electing a Democratic Senate as soon as possible is the best way to hold George Bush and the Republicans accountable for their actions and push them to change course.

The latest polls show that we can win in November, but the DSCC needs your support to make sure our candidates can compete with their Republican opponents on a level playing field.

Let me be frank. We still have a lot of hard work to do between now and Election Day. But if we fail today to make the investment necessary to put our candidates in position to win, it won't matter how hard we work in November.

I know that Democrats like you are ready to stand up and take on these tough challenges. Together we will meet our goals today and take our country back tomorrow. Together, we can succeed in making health care affordable and available for every single American. We can make sure that every single child has a world-class education and the opportunity to make it in today's world. We can do much, much more to keep America safe.
The DSCC cannot do it alone, and failure simply is not an option. Please act today.


Hillary Rodham Clinton
P.S. I know you have friends and family who feel as strongly as we do that we need a change! Please forward this message to them and ask them to join you in making an immediate investment in our country's future.

Sorry Hillary - First, I am a Conservative Republican and I am not giving you a dime, since your biggest contribution to the State of New York was the saving of the Niagara Falls Air National Guard Base, although that is an important base in the War on Terror, it is miniscule to all the other things that go on in the State of New York. Trust me Senator, I was born, raised and educated in New York and you have a long way to go to being a good Senator from the Empire State.

Also, Senator, Please let the American People know who the lobbyist was for the Dubai Port deal.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Six Weeks

After spending six weeks in West plan Beach Florida, I am now ready for the warmer temps here in Lakewood.

The reason I was in Florida was to help out my firm's office there with the possibility of relocating to that City. However, due to the cost of living it was not financially feasible. After see what people are paying for housing down there, I will not complain about the housing market here or the taxes that are paid. My house in Lakewood, would be worth well over a $500,000 if not approaching the 750,000 range. Which would mean nearly a 2x to 3x the value of my home here.

Like I said, just not feasible.

Let's take a quick look at what has been happening in the political arenas;

Lakewood is on the brink of approving the City budget, the only hold up is a question of $40,000 item in the recycling program. That item appears to be cleaned up and the Council should approve it Monday, well ahead of the March 31 deadline.

In the Governor's race the slings and arrows are in full use between Petro and Blackwell neither one of them seems to be able to focus on their programs and messages. Based on the emails I have been seeing the mud is getting deep. The Plain Dealer is getting into the act of mudslinging with the article on Blackwell's fundraising during a previous run for what was initially the State Treasurer's office, but switched to the re-election campaign for Secretary of State back in 2001.
Perception of wrongful conduct in fundraising in this race is not something the Republicans need if they want to maintain control of the Governor's seat in January 2007.

Attorney General's race - Well I am disappointed in Betty Montgomery, I was hoping for a new face in State wide politics with Tim Grindell, but Betty cut her losses in the governor's race and immediately jumped into the AG Race essentially steam rolling Grindell's chances. If I was here for the County GOP nomination meeting I would have voted for Tim. Sorry Betty, you should have done the switch months ago.

Speaking of steam rolling, as having spent enough time in Florida I was able to pick up on the wrangling going on with Rep. Katherine Harris desire to run for US Senate. The State GOP Party really doesn't want her to run. Apparently they view her as lightening rod for the Democrats to gather strength and possibly keep that seat Democrat (Bill Nelson is the incumbent). As I was boarding a plane to head back to Northeast Ohio, it appears that she will keep her campaign going. It should be interesting to watch.

One final thought, in viewing my sitemeter someone from the United States Navy in Virginia has stopped in to read this blog on several occasions, there are a couple of things I want to say:

First- Thank you for continuing to protect my rights to post about whatever I want to in this blog!
Second - Virginia, must be from Norfolk. I was hoping from Maryland then I know who or what Agency it might be and could say Hello Captain M.

Maybe they will leave a comment!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Received the following comment from the previous thread

Anonymous said...
"Rumor Mill has it that you are moving to Florida, so your weighing in on political matters doesn't really matter, now does it?Good Luck to you...Will you still be blogging? And under what name?"

No decisions have been made on Florida, but I do have some opinions on some of the races going on in Ohio. I found it very interesting that this past weekend the Plain Dealer would provide the voters a chart on the political leanings of the the Congressional officeholders in Ohio.

There are also some interesting items with the US Senate seat here in Florida and the internal GOP arm twisting and back biting going on with one candidate.

So Anonymous, my opinions may not matter to you, but they may matter someone else who reads this blog.

I also have been told (there is that rumor mill again) that the Ward 1 seat in '07 may already have a candidate, so that decision has been made.

As to changing the name of the blog, I have thought of that, but haven't come up with a name that I like.

We shall see very soon!

Friday, March 03, 2006


For the past month I have been working in Florida, helping out an office with a need for Paralegals.
As with a lot of people I work with, this group of people in this office have made me feel as I if I have worked there for years.
The pace is a little different than I am used to, as well as the work is a little more interactive from inception of the case.
All in all it has been fun.
I must return for two more weeks and then some decisions have to be made.
More on that later as well as pictures from my visit with my Mother and Jacky, Tom, Andrew and Kara (who came into our world 4 years ago today!)

I will also be weighing in on the campaigns and the politics that are gearing up.